New Music Surprise Fundraiser

Dear Friends and Fans,

As many of you already know, I’ve taken a break from music for the last few years to be present with my family and build my woodworking business. During this time, my desire to make music has never waned. I’ve been writing songs, recording ideas and demos in my spare time, and figuring out how to put it all together. What I need most is some focused time and resources to find my feet with these new songs and start recording.

I was recently explaining this situation in response to a email I received from a fan who inquired about my next musical project.  To my complete surprise, they offered me up to $5,000.00 toward my next album if I can get other fans to match it. Their generosity is both confounding and beautiful. I have a week to raise the money.

So here we are at a surprise phase #1 fundraising for my new album. There is no minimum or maximum donation, but every donation of $10 and over will receive a free download of two of my new demos (and my sincere gratitude!).

To keep the transaction fees down, I am skipping crowdsourcing websites and handling this exclusively through Paypal. I would really appreciate it if you shared this with anyone you know who is a fan of my music or who enjoys supporting art in this way.  You can share by copying this link: My hope is that I can raise this first batch of money via small donations from many fans and that this gives me an opportunity to reconnect with those with whom my music has resonated with over the years.

Also – If for some reason we break the thermometer and raise over $12,000.00 (does not include matching donation), I will not need to further fundraise next year. I will give a download of my album to anyone who wants it and I’ll make it available on all digital outlets. (Hard copy media like Vinyl and CDs will have a separate pre-order due to manufacturing costs).

Please include your current e-mail and address in your donation so I can send you a personal thank you and a link to the demo songs.

Mike McMonagle